12ème édition – du 17 au 19 avril 2024
3 jours de conférences, 70 exposants, 4500 visiteurs par jour
Mete Atamel

I’m a Software Engineer and a Developer Advocate at Google in London. I build tools, demos, tutorials, and give talks to educate and help developers to be successful on Google Cloud.

Hands-on Gemini, the Google DeepMind LLM
2H Hands-on Lab (BEGINNER level)

In this hands-on workshop, you will get to code using Gemini, the new Large Language Model from Google DeepMind. You will first start by familiarizing yourself with the model's capabilities. Then you will use Gemini in different concrete cases, such as extracting data from unstructured text, document classification, but also searching your own documents, or how to supplement the model by integrating the call to external APIs.

The workshop will be conducted using the Java language and the LangChain4j library. Come equipped with a laptop. We will code together in the cloud, no need for any special installation on your machine.


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